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English-Hindi > vaginal atresia

vaginal atresia meaning in Hindi

vaginal atresia sentence in Hindi

योनि अविवरता
vaginal    योनिक योनि का योनि
atresia    अछिद्रता अविवरता
1.Some research has shown that females may experience vaginal atresia or haematocolpos.

2.Other symptoms, such as cardiac malformations, anal, and vaginal atresia ( occlusion ) have been reported.

3.In 1964 he published the first known case of surgical correction of vaginal atresia ( congenital absence of a vagina ) with neovaginoplasty where the patient could deliver two babies in normal parturition.

How to say vaginal atresia in Hindi and what is the meaning of vaginal atresia in Hindi? vaginal atresia Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.